Contact US
If you have any questions, there is a problem with the order, or you just have an idea for cooperation, let us know. We are waiting for your contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
General & Shipping
Support email:
Art & Operations: Agnieszka Skupińska (
Business & Partnerships: Tomasz Skupiński (
Company data
Office address:
Astrography Sp. z o.o.
ul. Flisa 4, 02-247 Warsaw, Poland/Eu
Registration data (for invoice only)
Astrography Sp. z o.o.
ul. Człuchowska 46/8, 01-360 Warsaw
Bank Santander USD:PL93 1090 1014 0000 0001 3621 5359
Bank Santander EUR:PL81 1090 1014 0000 0001 3621 5381
Bank Santander PLN: PL68 1090 1014 0000 0001 3621 5324